For her mother's birthday over the weekend, the kid decided she wanted to make her breakfast in bed. Usually my wife gets up before me so she can spend some time with the kids before she has to go to work, but on this day the girl was on strict orders to come over to my side of the bed and knock on my forehead quietly. Of course this happened well before the sun came up. She insisted that she do all the prep work, so she picked the rosemary herself and cut the parboiled potatoes and whisked the eggs while I worked the stove top.

She was so serious about it, and so proud to bring that plate up to her mama. She sat next to her watching her eat and chatting about how she did all the work.

She had so much fun, the next morning I woke to find her delivering me a crepe with Nuttela and perfect little dollops of whipped cream.

Now we just need to teach her how to pop the cork on a bottle of champagne for our mimosas. 

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